
Investment and Joint Venture opportunities available in the maintenance and management of our pristine indigenous forest reserves

Sustainable Management Recommendations

3.1 Fencing the Indigenous Forest Remnants to protect them from encroachment of the upcoming urban settlements
3.2 Income Generation Suggestions include:

3.2.1 Development of Recreation and Tourism facilities (camping sites, picnic sites and nature trails). These facilities could be used for events like weddings, music shootings recreational habitation and nature walks (ecotourism)
3.2.2 Establishment of Education and Training Resource Center
3.2.3 Establishment of a Hotel with in-door games, sports, cultural dances, Sale of items: such as forest map sales, guide books, cafe, donations, parking fees, events, corporate team building,
3.2.4 Establishment of a Plant Nursery and making sales at the nursery plants, compost etc.)

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